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Wise Secrets of ALOHA
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Lomilomi  OHANA
Lomi lomi Halau Staff
lomi means to me
lomi experiences

What Lomilomi means to me
1.Spirit witnessing in the timeless now, itself evolving through time and space.
2. Soverenity realized. Radiant light being in action, truth realized.
3. Body surfing,
    Riding waves of light!
    Imploding thought forms
    Infinite depths within
4. To know that I am never alone pray for HELP - say it like you mean it!
5. It is the giver, receiver and Halau guardians divine dance of will that shifts beleif systems, restructuring DNA molecules enlightening earthly and other realms.
6. An inner/out-of-body experience.
7. I DON'T KNOW - ha, ha, ha....haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
   With Great Gratitude to Harry, Sila, Keani, Jamie, Karen, Sue, Vivian, Joyce, Patsy, Randy
Aloha Nance

Lomilomi means to me
 It means I have the freedom to express myself from within the essence of my soul. The fun loving child can once again guide me to my own Happiness. It means that my children will experience a fuller life, blossoming, into their own wholeness. It means that PEACE, is near.
                              R.M.  Ontario, Canada

A way of "life"
A way of being everyday
Holding my space. Speaking and acting with certainty, allows for tri-unity, preseverence to all without judgement..
     by: unknown

For me, Lomilomi has come to mean - the Heart of Allowing - ourselves to Be 'Enough'. There is a common term "less is more". Well, I have found Lomilomi to be a realm where less is plenty and more, is more - and more, and more, and more - as far as the inner eye can see, and the heart allows to receive.

Being introduced to and welcomed into the realm of Lomilomi has  been very empowering. Releasing the guilt, confusion and [dis]stress that sometimes comes from contact with the outside world has been quite freeing. Lomilomi allows a connection to a wisdom spoken silently in a language only itself understands; and it's silence speaks volumes. Lucky for us, Uncle Harry is willing to translate that language and has masterfully articulated it to an understanding of unconditional love, total support and the peace that comes from Unity of Self. It is a peace that does not come from the absence of stress, but from one of Great Presence; the Presence of the Divine. I have found Lomilomi to be a state of Being; a state of Grace - Thundering Grace. A state who's radiance is magnified through the profound presence of Love Itself.

And so, I have come to realize that Lomilomi is quietly and simply life - loving itself; creating Heaven on Earth. An Angel, Star of Life. The only requirement is to accept that you are 'enough' so that your heart may be open to receive and participate in the ever expanding Divine Light of Aloha that comes through Lomilomi.  M.D.  MINNIWAWA, OHIO

Lomilomi to me is a chosen lifestyle. A lifestyle of authenticity, healing form the heart and non-judgemental love for self and others. To live and be true now and forever
A- ala
L- lokahi
O- oiaio
H- haahaa
A- ahonui
    Bonnie Jones LMT  Kailua, Kona, Hawaii

lomilomi is healing from the heart through the hands and breath. it is creating a space for spirit to come in and do the real profound work. calling on the light and support of the bodiless healers we act as vessels through which their powers can flow and cause miraculous change. 
        FILIP  TKACZYK   

Lomilomi is love unconditional love. That's right, no strings attached no akas either.It is a sacred space beyond what anyone could build with the mightiest of machines. It is a foundation with four pillars of strength. Laulima, creating space, Po'o and bone washing and the breath of HA.
  It's strength is powerful. It's power so great because the space is an extension of the heart, a heart that is humming the purest of vibrations. A heart that extends out through arms and into hands Loving hands, unconditionally loving. To hold and support hands that " know" because they come from the heart. Yes, lomilomi is LOVE.    JENNIFER WEINERT    PAPAIKOU, HAWAII



Some of the things that lomilomi means to me. Lomilomi means that I am now able to understand a Hawaiian system of healing which teaches that you are not healing the person on the table but that through the lomilomi process or practice you are healing yourself and that the benefits of healing yourself can be passed on to the person on the table through the different applications of lomilomi. It was important for me to learn that god only  needs to showup for a moment but I need to be fully present for the entire session. I learned many other important things but while I was writing this morning I was asked to tell you not to confuse christ  conciousness with religious christianity. Religious christianity requires you to go to a place usually called the Church. Christ conciousness requires you to go to the temple within where the christ conciousness dwells.You go to the temple within at any moment you choose. It is not only the authentic place to go but its services are available at all times-not just Sundays or Wednesday or Christmas or Easter holidays. it is fine for you to attend a church with friends and relatives for the fellowship but you need to be aware that religions are dogmatic (man made) institutions operated on a business like basis.  They also lean toward judging those who do not attend their services and other functions and contribute financially to keep the business going. They are sometimes Charitable institutions that do good things in a material way for some people but they do not seem to understand what spirituality is all about so they are unable to teach the masses to go within to the true temple of the Christ. The dogmatic churc has misinterpreted and misconstrued the messages in the Bible either accidentally or on purpose in order to have control and power over the masses. But now the Divine being of the universe has snt forth its army of Light Workers to alert the masses to the Christ Conciousness   within and the shift in conciousness is well on its way throughout the entire planet. That is why we are coming together in groups like this to assist in the transformation.

Lomilomi means to me:
  Bodywork in the sacred circle.
Resonating in Bliss, Connection through touch and witnessing. Given receiver in the spiral of growth, expansion. Intuition embodied.
  Thank you for bringing Lomilomi into my life, Harry and Sila  Love River

Lomilomi means to  me:
  Lomilomi is new Life: transformation into Bliss. lomilomi brings Heaven to Earth!
Lomilomi is Lauloa- great medicine, I  AM Lomilomi with GREAT GRATITUDE!!  Lauloa Aptos, CA

Lomilomi means to me:
  A path to the heart. A pathway to the circle culture. A connection  to the divine gift of giving wholeness Gratitude..  H.I.M. Wallkill, NY