Twenty Five Things I Carry, by Harry Uhane Jim
What my family or friends think of me is none of my business. Their journey is beyond my mind's vision. We hare intersections, we do not
converge our sovereignty.
2. The best meal I've ever had was in childhood.
Fresh picked half ripe guava dipped In a soup of vinegar, soy
sauce and sugar with a dash of Hawaiian sea salt plus flakes of
black pepper.
3. Got to the end of a long hike at the top of the hill. An old man
there was giving a riddle, "what is the difference between a
spiritual man and a religious man." he chuckled a religious man does
what he does all his life to avoid hell, a spiritual man has done
that, been there, chose to move on.
4. When body surfing in the Hawaiian islands. Don't try to catch the
first wave, those people smash face and eat sand. Da. Wait for the
seventh wave in the set. Ride um all the way in easy. You breath in the
now in the right flush of flow, no shapes no sounds of not enough.
Peace active.
5. So often in my travels through the day, I'm faced to decide about
what to do with the traumas -- either forgive now. Or forgive later.
No third choice exist.
6. The island of Kauai has five rivers flowing from Mt. Waialeale to
the Pacific. Representing waters for the five contents of the mother
earth. She, Kauai, holds the energy of sweet taste to all the
fresh water of the earth. Eden's mountain, Waialeale in the north of
Kauai, is the source. It' is always raining there at the top. The
rivers Waimea= Asia, Hanalei= Europe, Wailua = North America , Hanapepe =
Africa, kalihiwai = south America, are facing to flow to all directions
of the compass. It is often the year's wettest spot on earth.
7. My daughter has more certainty than me . I've been prodding her to
fix her car's back brakes. She always retorts " I hardly Ever drive
backwards. no need for back breaks."
8. Back in 1991 my wife and I helped establish a Hawaiian Salt
manufacture. It started in our kitchen. Our Motivation was money for
that year's Christmas presents for the kids. The business has grown
really big, Hawaiian Salt Co. commerce's tons of Hawaiian Salt
throughout the world annually. Every light of dawn I ask father sun to
send aloha to be in the salt.
Spreading Out Light. Love.
9. I've swam with dolphins and sea turtles. Protein carnivores, and
vegetarians. The plant eating turtles seems to be more the evolved
being--- until you meet the shark, then you'll want to be friends
with the carnivore dolphin.
10. I know being at the banks of rivers of lava rushing to the Puna
Beaches in Hawaii. I did stand and kneel under the rain and falling
water thunder from the south edge of Niagara Falls. You know the
rhythm of the mother, and sap of Pele .The security of Kwan Yin, and
the compassion of Madonna. you know.
11. Sober and Sane are trances to domesticate any. And the difference
between the sane or the crazy is witness's. I Thank humanity for
creating fantasy. We are freedom to think.
12. In Springville NY, on Carolina Street at the end. In front of the
village water tower. There is a field of elderberry. Maxed huge and
plenty elderberry. Tied to the roots of those old fruit shrubs are
cannon balls. Rusted, still round.
13. I have a secret. I know a way to collect love and spread it like
ocean's blue. Give so much you receive. This is generosity of, from,
and with, and within, my culture. This is the agreement you are
14. Ti leaf fascinates me. This tropical shrub Planted upside down,
grows curly. People wrap their fish in it and oven cook with them. You can also use it to walk on Orange hot lava rocks. Protects the
15. Hawaiian and Italian blood , are of the same cloth. The word fuck
means, exclamation and exultation's. Has nothing to do with sex. We
voice what we embrace strait up holy.
16. In another life, past, I was a Gold miner, pick and ax, later,
panning in streams. About twenty six years. I got way plenty Gold
stashed For abundant round trips to this space with Earth. The Soul's
amenities of discipline flourishes.
17. Early as a Kid, I told my dad, and mom that when I grow up, I
wanted to be a comedian,. They said I could not do both. "Choose". I
decided two part time.
18. In this galaxy and the next closest four , the most celebrated
dates in time are the births of our children. Courageously luminous
and grounded beings, they are bodacious ambassadors of aloha,
19. I have two different , very different kinds of friends . Alive. and
dead. the dead ones are all and often funny. And the alive ones all
love ice cream. Occasionally, demons fish. They are dead, sometimes
alive. I state it gracefully clear with who abode self hate. " My name
is handsome, and i don't play with ugly". Word shapes will and choice
to laugh them off me, off mine off dominions.
20. No book has ever moved me closer to me than the book I wrote. Aloha " wise secrets of Aloha"
21. At the office I am a Kahuna; a linage trained healer, Hawaiian. My great days in the office are when I am visited by the cured, the
healed, and the loved. Oh, actually that's every day. We, not ever are
ashamed of our success. Grace won't have it.
22. The first time I saw fulfillment, I found out about it watching my parents relationship.
23. I can always find the ripest stalk in a field of sugar cane Just by smell.
24. I am looking for two blades of grass with the same shade of green. It's a life quest.
25. My God is my woman. She is my nurture, my oasis for my soul. I am
her man. We share physical, emotional, and spiritual orgasmic
experiences and places .. My wife is the best woman and most loved
woman of creation. Our Marriage domains Genesis: We conceive, Birth
and Parent creations in service to the Creator. We Love each other, we
love you.